Arvind Jha
Arvind Jha, Senior Legal Adviser to ELDF has a Masters in Forestry (AIFC) from the Indian Forest College (Now Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy) Dehra Dun, India. He has done his M.Sc.(Physics) from Ranchi University; M.A. in Sociology from JNU, New Delhi; and LLB from Nagpur University. As a member of the Indian Forest Service for over 35 years he has managed forests and wildlife in various capacities in the Government of Maharashtra as well as in the Government of India. He was awarded PhD on his research on the implication of Wildlife Act of India on the livelihood systems of the erstwhile criminal and hunting tribes called ‘Pardhi’. He worked as Commissioner in the Tribal Development Department of Maharashtra State Government and as the CITES Management Authority for the western zone of India at Mumbai airport.He has the experience of interacting with professional foresters of many countries; has studied forestry management systems of European countries like Finland and Germany; and has represented India in the Timber Theft Prevention Experts Workshop by World Bank at CEBU (Philippines). He has steered World Bank Projects and also Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Authority works in the state of Maharashtra. He is a member of various prestigious organisations including CEM (Commission on Ecosystem Management), IUCN, Society of Hill Resource Management School (SHRMS) and Founder member and President of Global Enviro-legal Services Foundation (GELSEF) Trust, Pune among others.
Dr. Jha is an avid lover of wildlife.
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